Leadership Matters
This week we kicked off our Spring membership drive. Our message is that queer leadership in higher education matters more than ever.
We are the only national organization dedicated to developing LGBTQ+ leadership in higher education. The new administration is doing its best to sow chaos in higher education and in the LGBTQ+ community. But we will not be erased.
That was our message. It’s not unusual to get a few unsubscribe requests when you send out a thousand emails. We all do it. Sometimes there’s a reason listed, such as “this information is no longer relevant for me.” This week, we got the two statements below. The first refers to an lgbtq student group at Iowa State University (bad grammar in the original). The second is from an individual working in higher education in Texas.

Our message continued…
We will continue to serve our mission, doubling down on our commitment to promoting and elevating queer leaders. For us, that is the best way to push back against the forces arrayed against us. And we need individual members now more than ever to achieve our goals. As a member, you will have access to free or low-cost programs, discounts on fees for the Leadership Institute and our new mentoring program, and the opportunity to qualify for fellowships. Join today.
Watch for announcements of new and expanded programming. Take a look at our new RESOURCES page. Your membership matters.