Lambda Legal
Lambda Legal offers legal services for LGBTQ+ community members. In 2025, they have filed at least four cases against the Trump administration, as well as several cases aimed at supporting nonbinary and transgender youth and their healthcare choices at all levels of the court system. Their Litigation Library can be found here, and their news stories can be found here.
American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU has been involved in a variety of major court cases going all the way to the Supreme Court. Currently, the ACLU offers attention to some of the most marginalized communities, including those seeking reproductive freedom, immigrants to the United States, people and communities of color, transgender youth and adults, and voters. Their map of bills aimed at LGBTQ+ community members can be found here, and includes links to the text of each bill.
National Transgender Leadership Conference Committee
NTLCC was founded in 2025 and focuses on uplifting the voices and needs of transgender community members across the United States. NTLCC is a trans-founded and trans-run organization with the goal of bringing trans leadership into all realms of life. Their news can be found here.
Southern Poverty Law Center
SPLC works to empower Black and Brown communities across the United States. Their major pillars include voting rights, dismantling white supremacy, ending unjust imprisonment practices, and elimination of poverty and economic inequality. SPLC also publishes a Hate Map, which tracks hate groups and anti-government groups across the US. SPLC also publishes resource articles, including this list of book recommendations on the history of protest movements.
The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is most well known for its crisis hotline, but also conducts research and advocates for the LGBTQ+ community at large. They are the largest anti-conversion therapy campaign, using a combination of education and litigation to produce policy that would protect LGBTQ+ individuals, and they offer LGBTQ+ suicide prevention trainings across public education spheres. News articles and press releases can be found here.
Movement Advancement Project
Movement Advancement Project (MAP) produces maps to track policies across the United States and its territories. These maps include LGBTQ+ equality and democracy as broad categories, as well as maintaining updated information on the current laws in each state. The maps are interactive and influenced by rating scales that are explained in detail.
National Education Association
NEA champions public education and equitable access to schooling for students across the US, including higher education. NEA has collected resources for higher ed educators and students to navigate the rapidly changing political sphere and ensure students maintain access to their education and academic supports.
Erin in the Morning
Erin in the Morning is most well known for her maps showing protections for transgender individuals. The 2024 post-election map is widely used on social media sites to share information for asylum-seeking trans folks, and their journalism covers happenings from local government to Capitol Hill.