Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Leadership Institute and Other Events

Approved by Board of Directors: June 13, 2024

LGBTQ Leaders in Higher Education is committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free environment for everyone, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity, religion, or other group identity.

Attendees should be aware of the LGBTQ Leaders’ policy on non-discrimination. 

Behaviors that are unacceptable at the Leadership Institute, and other events (in person and virtual) include:

  • Harassment or intimidation based on gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity, religion, or other group identity
  • Sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking (physical or virtual), or unsolicited physical contact
  • Shouting down or threatening speakers in person or virtually, including via text or chat

Speakers are asked to frame discussions as openly and inclusively as possible and to be aware of how language or images may be perceived by others. Attendees may exercise their option to leave a session or a conversation. 

All attendees are expected to follow these guidelines in all event venues, including online venues, and at social events. Attendees asked to stop hostile or harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. 

LGBTQ Leaders reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the meeting without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, and LGBTQ Leaders reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting, virtually or in person.

If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, LGBTQ Leaders asks that you inform the Executive Director at, or a Board member, so that we can take the appropriate action. 

Please report any physical assault or threats to the local police department.

Adapted from the guidelines of the American Library Association and the Modern Language Association

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